<i>Sailor to a Siren &</i> <i>The Wages of Sin</i> <i>by Zoë Sumra</i>
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Sailor to a Siren & The Wages of Sin by Zoë Sumra

Zoë Sumra discusses her novels ‘Sailor to a Siren’ and ‘The Wages of Sin’

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Zoë Sumra started writing in her early teens as a bulwark against boredom, and has never been bored since. Keeping one’s head full of spaceship races, sword fights and heist tropes tends to have that effect. She has dabbled in fantasy, science fiction and contemporary work. Her published books, SAILOR TO A SIREN and THE WAGES OF SIN, blur science fiction, fantasy and gangland thriller in one often-violent mélange, covering the rise to underworld power of two far-future Kray act-a-likes. She uses outlines, but her characters usually argue about their parts.

In SAILOR TO A SIREN, gangland lieutenants Connor and Logan Cardwain accidentally steal a priceless superweapon in the course of a straightforward robbery. Their boss, the weapon’s smugglers, several bystander ganglanders and an interstellar magicians’ cabal soon converge on them to try to retrieve it. Who can they trust when their world disintegrates under them?

In THE WAGES OF SIN, Connor’s cleaner Merissa is murdered on the same night that another young woman vanishes. Both women were connected via an interstellar arms deal to a Most Wanted escapee from a foreign empire. Connor works to unravel the women’s entwined fates while juggling his own growing business, cutthroat local politics, and his brother’s interfering stepmother.

Away from the written word, Zoë has fenced sabre for two British counties. She lives in London with her husband, her daughters, a thousand books and an assortment of swords.
For more details about books by Zoë Sumra, visit zoesumra.wordpress.com or follow @ZoeSumra on Twitter.
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