<i>Seven Broken and Bound</i>  <i>by James Wheeler</i>
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Seven Broken and Bound by James Wheeler

James Wheeler discusses his novel ‘Seven Broken and Bound’

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‘Seven Broken and Bound’ was a passion project of mine. It’s my first book, and as someone who has dyslexia, knowing where to start or even attempt this challenge was unique. Picking a sci-fi as my debut novel was an interesting challenge too. It dives into cyberpunk and dystopia. I love both genres, taking inspiration from Blade Runner, Judge Dread, Hunger Games and even Cyberpunk (the video game). I always enjoyed being lost in these worlds, and I wanted to recreate that feeling.

In the first chapter, the book follows Jack, a family man. We learn about the world: a dystopian setting where Jack, his wife and daughter live in a huge run-down tower block, one of many in District 13, one of many living districts policed by peacekeepers and governed by Overseers.

On the eve of his daughter’s seventh birthday, Jack is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Where in the blink of an eye, he loses everything and is quickly thought of as nothing more than a blood donor.

After that, boy, do we go on some twists and turns, including meeting some companions along the way: Mia, a bad-ass pilot; Dominic, an augmented tech hard-man; and H-One, the unlikely scene-stealing robot. Together the four of them must first figure a way out of the largest prison in the country, which happens to be a one-stop shop—once someone enters, they can’t leave.

This story is everything I’d love to see in a movie: action, drama, comedy, family bond, betrayal, character growth, cybernetic implants and an evil, tyrannical government hungry for a key to immortality.

For me, the protagonist Jack is unique. He isn’t the typical action star—a big brooding classic alpha male—he’s just a father and husband. He doesn’t know how to throw a punch or have the skills to survive the prison he finds himself in. Jack has a bad habit of trying to do the right thing when others would look the other way, so watching his story and character evolve is fascinating.

Seven is such a relatable character to many, yet his vulnerability might surprise the reader. We all like an underdog story, and ‘Seven Broken and Bound’ is absolutely that.

Sci-fi has always fascinated me. It’s the perfect escape, and I think that genre gives you a sense of freedom, both as a writer and reader. You get to write without limits, your only limitation being your imagination.

‘Seven Broken and Bound’ is available on Amazon as an ebook and paperback and is free to download on Kindle Unlimited.
For more details about books by James Wheeler follow @JamesTheMonkW on Twitter.
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