Smuggling precious cargo to a remote colony was supposed to be easy. I was dead wrong.Awarded Silver Honorable Mention in the recent first quarter Volume 40 of L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future contest.
Smuggling is a dangerous business and Reese Daniels has the score of a lifetime within his grasp; however, getting shot down on one of Uranus' moons wasn't in his plan. Stranded and on the run in the middle of an alien invasion, Reese must work with a group of Marine cadets to escape a grisly fate.
About T.D. WilsonT.D. Wilson is a Science Fiction and Fantasy author from Ohio. In addition to writing, he holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and has supported the systems and networks in several of the largest Supercomputing data centers in the world. Visit his website, for more information about him or his works.